Tags Reference

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  • turned_in_notTags
    <a>To set a link to an SVG component
    <animate>To animate an svg element's attributes
    <animateMotion>To animate an SVG component along any path
    <animateTransform>To animate transformation of an svg element which supports transformation
    <circle>To draw a circle
    <clipPath>To show the only region made by clipPath on any shape
    <defs>To define any svg element without rendering the graphics
    <ellipse>To draw an ellipse
    <filter>To filter an SVG component
    <feBlend>To blend two filter effect results together with specific blending mode
    <feColorMatrix>To change shape colors based on its type
    <feComposite>To combine two input images pixel-wise using one of its operator
    <feDiffuseLighting>To create diffuse lighting effect
    <feDisplacementMap>To displace the image from 1st input 'in' with the pixels from 2nd input 'in2'
    <feDistantLight>To create a distance filter lighting
    <feDropShadow>To create a shadow effect on a svg element
    <feFlood>To fill the rectangular subregion with the specified flood color
    <feGaussianBlur>To create blur effect
    <feImage>To add an image
    <feMerge>To merge the multiple result of other filter effects
    <feMergeNode>To merge input results inside <feMerge>
    <feMorphology>To create thin and fat filter effect
    <feOffset>To position your filter results
    <fePointLight>To create a point filter lighting
    <feSpecularLighting>To create specular lighting effect
    <feSpotLight>To create a spot filter lighting
    <feTile>To create a tile based pattern
    <feTurbulence>To create some noisy effect
    <g>To group SVG components, so that it can reused in future if needed
    <image>To show an image
    <line>To draw a line
    <linearGradient>To create linear gradient for your SVG components
    <marker>To define a marker to add more information to your SVG components
    <mask>To show the only region made by mask on any shape
    <mpath>To set the reference path to which an SVG component will follow, used under <animateMotion>
    <path>To draw any straight or curved path
    <pattern>To draw an pattern, that can be used for SVG components
    <polygon>To draw any polygon (closed shape) shape
    <polyline>To draw any polyline shape
    <radialGradient>To create radial gradient for your SVG components
    <rect>To draw a rectangle
    <script>To add javaScript, to create a dynamic shapes or more user interactive
    <set>To change any value right at the moment, part of animation
    <stop>To set color for Gradients
    <style>To add common style for you SVG elements
    <svg>To create a container for your vector graphics
    <symbol>To create symbols drawn with the help of <use>
    <text>To draw specific text
    <textPath>To set path along your text being shown
    <title>To set the title for your SVG component, shown when user mouseOver the specific element
    <tspan>To add inline texts
    <use>To clone any graphical tags whether within defined tags or not and use somewhere else
    <view> To view specific part of the external svg image, like a zoomed part within your svg image.
    <feFuncA>Used within <feComponentTransfer>
    <feFuncB>Used within <feComponentTransfer>
    <feFuncG>Used within <feComponentTransfer>
    <feFuncR>Used within <feComponentTransfer>

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