Ajax Reference

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Ajax methods are being used to perform ajax request

  • turned_in_notMethods
    load()To load data from the server and place the returned data into the selected element
    serialize()To encode a set of form elements as a string for submission
    serializeArray()To encode a set of form elements as an array of objects (object contains name & value)
    $.ajax()To perform an asynchronous HTTP (Ajax) request
    $.ajaxSetup()To set default values for future AJAX requests
    $.ajaxPrefilter()To handle custom Ajax options or modify existing options before each request is sent and before they are processed by $.ajax()
    $.ajaxTransport()To create an object that handles the actual transmission of Ajax data
    $.get()To load data from the server using a HTTP GET request
    $.getJSON()To load JSON-encoded data from the server using a GET HTTP request
    $.getScript()To load & execute the JavaScript file from the server using a GET HTTP request
    $.post()To load data from the server using a HTTP POST request
    $.param()To create a serialized form of an array or an object

  • turned_in_notEvent Methods
    ajaxStart()To attach a function to be executed when any AJAX request starts
    ajaxSend()To attach a function to be executed before any Ajax request is sent
    ajaxSuccess()To attach a function to be executed when any AJAX request completes successfully
    ajaxComplete()To attach a function to be executed when any AJAX request completes (whether success or error)
    ajaxStop()To attach a function to be executed when any AJAX requests has completed
    ajaxError()To attach a function to be executed when any AJAX request ends with an error
    always()To attach a function to be executed when a AJAX request completes (whether success or error)
    done()To attach a function to be executed when a AJAX request ends with an error
    fail()To attach a function to be executed when a AJAX request completes successfully
    then()To attach a function to be executed when a AJAX request completes or ends with an error, integrates both done(), fail() in one

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