HTML Attribute

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It provides additional information about HTML elements and also sometimes used to provide dynamic functionality to element

  • Every elements can have attributes
  • Attributes are always placed inside the element's Start Tag
  • Except Few, All attributes are made up of pairs (Syntax: Name_Of_Attribute= "Value_Of_Attribute")

You can write or copy the script in your text editor

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Attribute Example</title>
    <h1 title="Shows you title">Mouse over me</h1>
    <p>My First paragraph.</p>
    <img src="viztro.jpg" width="100" height="60"> 
  • trending_downAbove example Explained
    • All the word above in green color are the Name_Of_Attributes and in blue color Some_Value_Of_Attributes
    • Every Attributes are having its own property
    • Like above lang="en" here, it means "The Language of this HTML Document is English"

Global Attributes

Approx all the elements can use Global Attributes

  • These Attributes are: id, class, title, style, dir, lang
  • Always used inside the Start Tag of an element
  • Syntax:<element attribute="value">
  • Alert! The element <title> and Attribute title are not same

Put all below codes inside the <body> Element

  • label_outlineid Attribute
    <p id="teacher">This para is only for teachers</p>
    <p id="student">This para is only for students</p>
    • This Attribute is used to uniquely identify any element within an HTML page.
    • The above example, both of them are <p> elements but via id you can identify which is for teacher and which is for student
    • You can even directly access the element via URL, Just by adding #ID_Name to the end of page URL
    • This Attribute are useful when you integrate CSS(Design) or Javascript or Jquery to provide some functionality
    • We will discuss CSS, javascript, jquery in other separate tutorial,for now just remember the above points
  • label_outlineclass Attribute
    <p className="teacher">This para is only for teachers</p>
    <p className="student teacher">This para is for student and teacher both</p>
    <p className="student">This para is only for students</p>  
    • This Attribute specifies the class of element
    • You can add more class name in class attribute by just providing space in between them like shown above
    • The above example, all of them are <p> elements but via class you can identify which is for teacher,student and which is for both
    • You will learn more about the use of the class attribute when you will learn CSS(Design) or Javascript or Jquery to provide some functionality
    • We will discuss CSS, javascript, jquery in other separate tutorial,for now just remember the above points
  • label_outlinetitle Attribute
    <p title="teacher">This para is only for teachers</p>
    <p title="students">This para is only for students</p>


    • This Attribute specifies the suggested title of the element
    • when you take your mouse to element having tittle attribute, it will show you a small pop-up message with tittle value you write
  • label_outlinestyle Attribute
    <p style="text-align: center;color:purple;">
    I love to be colorful </p>

    Output: I am in center with PURPLE colored

    • This Attribute specifies some style rules within the element
    • It is a part of CSS(Related to Design)
  • label_outlinedir Attribute
    <p dir="ltr">Default. My text is from Left-to-right</p>
    <p dir="rtl">My text is from Right-to-left</p>
    <p dir="auto">Let the browser decide my text direction</p>
    • This Attribute specifies the direction of text
    • The output is below

    Default. My text is from Left-to-right

    My text is from Right-to-left

    Let the browser decide my text direction

    • Note! If you are using mobile browser,may be the output is not same
  • label_outlinelang Attribute
    <p lang="en">This is a English Paragraph</p>
    <p lang="es">Este es un párrafo español</p>

    This is a English Paragraph;

    Este es un párrafo español

    • This Attribute specifies the language of the element's content
    • The 1st <p> element is in ENGLISH language and the other element in SPANISH language

New in HTML5:
  • turned_in_notHTML5 Attributes
    Specifies that the content of an element is editable or not
    data-*anyvalueUsed to store custom data private to the page that can be used via JavaScript to provide some functionality
    Specifies that an element is draggable or not
    hiddenNo_ValueSimply Keyword, Used to hide the elements
    Specifies that the element has its spelling and grammar checked or not
    *Not Supported in browsers; Use Google translator instead
    Specifies the content inside an element should be translated or not

Put all below codes inside the <body> Element

  • label_outlinecontenteditable Attribute
    <p contenteditable="true">This paragraph is editable</p>

    This paragraph is editable

    • Now, You can edit the above paragraph
  • label_outlinedata-* Attribute
      <li data-book="html">html</li>
      <li data-book="css">css</li>
    • html
    • css
    • Can be used to provide more functionality using JavaScript
  • label_outlinedraggable Attribute
    <p draggable="true">This paragraph is draggable</p>

    This paragraph is draggable

    • Now, You can drag the above paragraph
    • Some elements in some browser may not support without JavaScript
  • label_outlinespellcheck Attribute
    <p contenteditable="true" spellcheck="true">This is a paragraph.</p>

    This is a paragraph.

    • Just Modify the above output, you will see the result
    • Note! If you are using mobile browser,may be the output is not same
Browsers Supports
SafariMicrosoft EdgeMozilla FirefoxChromeOpera Mini

Click on the above icon to see the name of the browser !

  • Tips! Always try to use latest version of browser

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