String Methods

Mostly used string methods with RegExp in JavaScript

  • turned_in_notMethods
    • search()
    • replace()
    • match()
    • split()

search( )

It's used to find the start index position of the match string or sub-string within your text content if found, else returns -1

  • Always finds the first match &
    Remember, here index starts from 0


Hello john, how are you john, You can modify the text

Click on above button to find the first match start index

function fun() {
 var text=document.getElementById("text1").textContent;
 var result=document.getElementById("result1");
 result.textContent="Pattern start index : ";
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Full Code</title>
  function fun() {
    var text=document.getElementById("text1").textContent;
    var result=document.getElementById("result1");
    result.textContent="Pattern start index : ";
  <p id="text1" contenteditable>Hello john,how are you john, You can modify the text</p>
  <button onclick="fun()">search(/john/)</button>
  <p id="result1">Click on above button to find the first match start index</p>

replace( )

It's used to replace any string or sub-string within your text content


string.replace(RegExPattern, "New_Text")

Hello john, how are you john, You can modify the text

Click on above button to replace all 'john' with 'riya'

function fun() {
  var text=document.getElementById("text2").textContent;
  var result=document.getElementById("result1");
  result.textContent="Your new text : "+text.replace(/john/g,"riya");
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Full Code</title>
  function fun() {
    var text=document.getElementById("text2").textContent;
    var result=document.getElementById("result1");
    result.textContent="Your new text : "+text.replace(/john/g,"riya");
  <p id="text2" contenteditable>Hello john,how are you john, You can modify the text</p>
  <button onclick="fun()">replace(/john/g,"riya")</button>
  <p id="result1">Click on above button to replace all 'john' with 'riya'</p>

match( )

It's used to find all matched string or sub-string within your text content

  • It returns an array of matched text if found else null
  • You can access single elements via its index number, starts from 0



/*Syntax - To access single elements*/


Hello john, how are you JOHN, You can modify the text

Click on above button to match all 'john' capital or small

function fun() {
  var text=document.getElementById("text3").textContent;
  var result=document.getElementById("result1");
  result.textContent="Your matched text : "+text.match(/john/ig);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Full Code</title>
  function fun() {
    var text=document.getElementById("text3").textContent;
    var result=document.getElementById("result1");
    result.textContent="Your matched text : "+text.match(/john/ig);
  <p id="text3" contenteditable>Hello john,how are you JOHN, You can modify the text</p>
  <button onclick="fun()">match(/john/ig)</button>
  <p id="result1">Click on above button to match all 'john' capital or small </p>

split( )

It's used to split any string into an array of sub-string separated by matched regular expression



/* To access single elements */

/*Syntax - To limit the result*/

string.split(RegExPattern, limit)

/* To access single elements */
string.split(RegExPattern, limit)[index]
  • limit : Must be a positive(+ve) number

Hello my friend you can modify the text

Click on above button to split the text separating by single space

function fun() {
  var text=document.getElementById("text4").textContent;
  var result=document.getElementById("result1");
  result.textContent="Your splited array : "+text.split(/ /);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Full Code</title>
  function fun() {
    var text=document.getElementById("text4").textContent;
    var result=document.getElementById("result1");
    result.textContent="Your splited array : "+text.split(/ /);
  <p id="text4" contenteditable>Hello my friend you can modify the text</p>
  <button onclick="fun()">split(/ /)</button>
  <p id="result1">Click on above button to split the text separating by single space </p>

  • Flags
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